Watch OUT animal lovers!!!

Animal Behavior Changes due to Global Warming.Yes there're changing! :(

A number of changes occurring among plants and animals point to climate change, many scientists say.

Land animals
Reindeer are expected to disappear from large portions of their current range by the end of the century. Poor Santa will have a hard time delivering presents then.. :\

Dancing Reindeers :D

Marmots are ending their hibernations about three weeks earlier than they did 30 years ago.

A marmot.

Canadian red squirrels are breeding about 18 days earlier.

Red foxes are spreading northward, encroaching on territory normally occupied by their artic cousins.

North American Fowler's toads are breeding six days later than they did a decade ago.

Polar bears today are thinner and less healthy than those of 20 years ago. Maybe they are just too concerned of their weights..



The evolution of polar bears..


Coral reefs around the world are predicted to increase by up to a third in size.

Elephant seal pups are leaner because their prey is migrating to cooler waters.

Loggerhead sea turtles are laying their eggs about 10 days earlier than they did 15 years ago.

The newborn baby turtles :)

Rising temperatures are influencing the sex of Hawkbill turtle hatchlings, with more females than males being born.

A Hawksbill mama turtle with her nest :)

A bucketful of baby Hawsbill, all trapt inside.. :O

A closer look at the Hawksbill baby :D

Tidal organisms like rock barnacles, mollusks, and tidal snails commonly found in warm southern waters are moving northward.

Many fish species are moving northward in search of cooler waters.

by Jessie

Tree Of Hope to the rescue

A sculpture building on going green to solve the global warming issue.

" A Green Building "
" with a green roof on it "
more or less lah

What's a
green building ah???

A Green Building is a building that minimizes its impact on the environment through conservation of energy, water, and other resources, while contributing to the health of its occupants without compromising the aesthetic design. If you want to know a straight forward answer, it's a building which reduces LOADS of energy consumption but spends LOADS of money to build it.(ka ching!)

However, it is for the sake of our only Mother Earth.Awww..
Either that, or no Earth in years to come.
*being EXTREMELY sentimental here*

"Ever wonder where will we be? Mars??? Who knows. Anyway, do you think everyone will be in a rocket to settle in a survivable planet out there?
Hello, there are like trillions of people who want to save themselves.. Don't you? "

*semangat gila suddenly* D:

So, our group came up with solutions to reduce global warming in a form of sculpture & we hang it on the tree of hope. This is how it looks like....

Drum rolls.....



*owl hooting* *cricket sounds*

*finally a crow passing by...*

The angle looks weird, I know.

Even the feng shui is not good, we got one of the worst location of the tree. THANKS A LOT. to whoever who kindly dumped us at that space.
weappreciateit :o

Fortunately, we drew our sculpture on a piece of mahjong paper and so....


it t r a n s f o r m s to be like this :D

Allow me to explain further about the sculpture.

Nice?? :)

Our sculpture basically has an ideology of a green building where every where is green and filled with artificial plants..

To be precise, our sculpture is just an abstract of a green building.

  • theWindmill
Our windmill here has the same performance like a wind turbine or a wind generator (just that it is in a cuter form ^.^ ).It is suppose to convert the wind energy to electrical energy for the building.

  • theNursery
The motives of our nurseries here is to encourage more plants to be planted replacing those that had been 'brutally' abused for development purposes. In our sculpture, the nursery are made of plastic bottles [being cut into fancy shapes] and shredded papers painted into green (with HARD effort & difficulties) stuffed into them.

  • Greenbuilding
Well this buildings are obviously made sustainable for our environment. Like what had been explained above green buildings use the minimum amount of earth resources and being very environmental friendly to the mature. That's the reason why our green building is covered with green grasses. :D

Behind the scenes :)

Yes, we are all veli hardworking XD

by Jessie

When everything becomes HOT

Jeng Jeng Jeng~

"Global warming will be the greatest environmental challenge in the 21st century." - Vice President, Albert Gore.

( Sounds familiar? From the documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth 06. Oh wow! We actually paid attention in English class.)

Humans have been strengthening and competing for economy might, military superiority etc, in this rush we have failed to realize that we have focused so much on our luxury living [$$$], that the environment has fallen prey to our activities and technology. You see la..

That's why..
The aim of this blog is to promote awareness on the issue of Global warming, just one of the many ways we have influenced the environment in a negative way.

Global Warming is caused by...
• Pollution
• Burning of Fossil Fuels
• Methane
• Domestication of cattle
• The exhaust from car engines
• Carbon Dioxide
• Deforestation
• Nitrous oxide
• Carbon in Atmosphere and Ocean
• City Gridlock
• The Greenhouse Effect

Just to give u a firsthand experience of this phenomenon, I was once told by an elderly person of his experience on temperature change over the years, he said “spending almost 65 years of my life in one place, I noticed that the intensity of the heat would increase gradually but surely, I only realised this by comparing the heat of today to the temp of my youth years”. This is just an experience of one person in a period of 60 years.

In other words, the world is getting HOTTER.

(Even sharks have already prepared their master plan.. Ngehehe!)

The temperature is believed to have been relatively stable over the one or two thousand years before 1850, and with coming of the industrial age, came a hidden curse, that haunts us and will remain until we understand and accept the magnitude of the problem work on it hopefully one day solve it.

Scientists predict that continued global warming on the order of 2.5°-10.4°F over the next 100 years is likely to result in:
  • A rise in sea level between 9-88 cms, leading to more coastal erosion, flooding during storms, and permanent inundation
  • severe stress on many forests, wetlands, alpine regions, and other natural ecosystems
  • Greater threats to human health as mosquitoes and other disease-carrying insects and rodents spread diseases over larger geographical regions
  • Disruption of agriculture in some parts of the world due to increased temperature, water stress, and sea-level rise in low-lying areas such as Bangladesh or the Mississippi River delta.

The increasing global average temperature will result in:
  • Rising sea levels
  • Cause severe weather
  • The extension of tropical diseases
  • Melting ice caps and other changes in polar regions
  • More hurricane (might happen in Malaysia although we've never experienced this before)
  • Hotter summers and some animals will not survive in the higher heat

The most important action we can take to slow global warming is to reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases. This can be achieved by:
  • increasing energy efficiency standards
  • encouraging the use of renewable energy sources (such as wind and solar power)
  • eliminating subsidies that encourage the use of coal and oil by making them artificially cheap
  • protecting and restoring forests, which serve as important storehouses of carbon

Individuals can reduce the need for fossil fuels and often save money by:
  • walking, jogging, or cycling whenever possible (get muscular! & you don't have to go to gym)
  • driving more fuel efficient or less-polluting cars (such as hybrid car)
  • using energy-efficient appliances insulating homes
  • using less electricity in general

The message has been spread to the public of the increasing destruction towards the environment, and it is the people who decide, to buy environmentally friendly products or just not care about all this “unnecessary information” and continue in living in denial.

It is your decision from now.