the VIDEO.

We have officially completed our video.
It's like a miracle.. seriously..

Yes. video about global warming. No joke. It is to create awareness among us. :D

We hope you understand the context of our video and our hard efforts making it..
_T we truly appreciate it.

by Jessie


As you all know, an exhibition was held at The Gallery from 26th to 28th May 2009. The main objective of this exhibition was to raise fund to built a library for orphanage.
Awww~ we are so kind)

Oh yea, the most important part is, WE as in FNBE creative students who organized it. Congrats to us! woot woot!

Preparation for the big day

Higher boys!

To the left. No no, to the right. I love to make people confuse & suffer. hehe

knockout!! bullied by Mr. Charles and Mrs. Yati.

The camera is here la Zi Kang. Why are you looking at the pinata?

OMG Jessie is so Sexy~ wait, that rhymes!

Delicious giant chocolate cake with icing and cherry on top.

The face of a person who got bullied & was forced to become the sexy lady mascot.

OMG she can fly!! SCARY~

OMG this is even SCARIER!

Let Us Go Green!

Why are they seem so happy and excited about the bag?

For the fund raising, our group collaborates with flamboyancy and spearhead to make & sell UNIQUE handmade accessories, including bracelets ( we sold lots of those), keychains, and ear rings. We managed to collect a certain amount of money $$$$ by selling our product.
(The exact amount is private & confidential)

Although all the works were tiring and we spent sleepless night making the exhibition a success, but we have lots of fun and gained priceless experiences along the way.

by Athirah & Reham

Play games while creating awareness

Bored of reading boring articles about global warming?

Then play games that can get rid of boredom and gain knowledge about the issue at the same time.
COOL huh?

Lets PLAY!

*click the picture to play*

Ben & Jerry's Eco-mission

Caught in the Act!

Switch'em Off

Planet Green

Have fun folks!

by Athirah

Blue Man Group on Global Warming

WHO? Blue Man Group? There's such thing meh?

Alright, let me introduce them first before showing you the video.

Blue Man Group is a creative organization founded by Phil Stanton, Chris Wink and Matt Goldman, which is dedicated to create exciting and innovative work in a wide variety of media.

The Blue Man group can be considered a type of homologue, a creature approximating a real male human being. The most obvious Blue Man characteristic is his static appearance, namely, the ear-less, bright blue face and BALD head, and nondescript, utilitarian clothing.

In action, the Blue Man does not speak and his face is usually expressionless, although suggestions of curiosity, surprise, wonder, etc. are sometimes visible. The Blue Man does not communicate through speech or broad body language or gestures; rather, he communicates through intense eye contact and simple gestures.

Blue Man Group has ventured into film and TV scoring, commercial campaigns, and television program appearances (like Scrubs and Arrested Development).

There you go, a brief description about the group. Now, lets watch their cool video.

(but their faces are quite scary though)

Want more interesting videos?
Go to the videos section (Meta) below the links section on the right.

by Athirah

Interesting Facts about Global Warming

Here are 9 interesting facts about one of the world's biggest problems.

  1. The leading cause of global warming is from water vapor, then carbon dioxide emissions, nitrous oxides, and chlorofluorocarbons (used in household appliances like air conditioning).
  2. Chlorofluorocarbons are expected to be eliminated and put out of use by 2030 to help slow down global warming.
  3. The biggest business sectors that are contributing to global warming are the following: Industry, Transportation, Residential, Commercial, Agriculture.
  4. Methane is the second biggest cause of greenhouse warming. Gas from cows (or in other word, cows fart) is a big contributor to global warming.
  5. A big enough volcano eruption could cool the earth for one or two years because sulfuric acid from the explosion would combine with water vapor to form a “shield” that would reflect some sunlight away from earth. Such an eruption would be quite catastrophic, though.
  6. The colouration of aerosols (miniscule particles in the air) generally changes their relationship with the sun. Lightly coloured aerosols reflect light back away from earth (as a white t-shirt) while darker aerosols generally absorb heat (as a hot asphalt road when it is sunny). *Asphalt is a thick, sticky, dark-brown mixture of petroleum tars used in paving, roofing, and waterproofing. Asphalt is produced as a byproduct in refining petroleum or is found in natural beds.*
  7. Generally, wispy clouds, such as cirrus clouds, trap light and thus warm the atmosphere while thick clouds generally reflect sunlight.
  8. Ice/snow cover cools the earth by reflecting sunlight.
  9. Without water vapor's effect on the atmosphere, the earth would be at below freezing temperatures.
Quite interesting huh?

by Athirah

Algae Can Save Us?

Guess what?
The dirty looking green 'carpet' that cover our pond or lake a.k.a algae can indeed solve global warming!

we still can't deny the fact that it is disgusting

How amazing such a tiny (& not to mention, gross!) microorganism can save the world from this disaster from getting worse.
Allow me to tell you human being how exactly this THING can help us.
*Prepare to fall asleep as you read the highly concentrated facts with minimal pictures below. But if you find it interesting, then keep reading & leave us a comment afterward :) *

Algae is one of the fastest growing plant in the world and therefore absorbs a lot of C02 (yes, the same gas that we are so troubled about) and replace them with oxygen.
Algae uses solar energy and nutrients to transform C02 and organic matter. Due to their simple biological structure, they capture carbon more rapidly than terrestrial plants and store it in a form that can be processed into fuels, such as bio diesel. As we all know, bio fuels such as bio ethanol and bio diesel can make a difference in improving our environment. Certain algae are suited for producing diesel used in trucks and can save the amount of pollutants released in air when using conventional petroleum based diesel.

When in a horizontal surface (like a pond or a lake), the growth of algae is restricted and soon once the upper layer is covered with the green mass, the sunlight is blocked and the algae cannot grow to its maximum density. Here alone, algae can produce up to 20,000 gallons of oil per year!
*ooooooooo wow*

Even an acre of corn can produce 18 gallons of oil per year, while palm oil produces 700-800 gallons per acre.
So, unquestionably algae is much more efficient as a bio fuel than any other alternatives.

Plus, the remains after extracting the oil can be used as feed stock to animals, as a component of fertilizer, and even to produce more biofuel. So, every bit of algae can be used. Hence, there is no waste and no pollutants at all!
*ooooooo wow again*

Meanwhile, British scientist have discovered that green algae could bury CO2 emissions at the bottom of the ocean.

Melting icebergs, so long the iconic image of global warming are triggering a natural process that could delay or even end climate change, British scientists have found.

A team working on board at the Royal Navy's HMS Endurance off the coast of Antarctica have discovered tiny particles of iron are released into the sea as the ice melts.

Let me show you a diagram that explains this amazing discovery.

alaaaa blurry picture la. But you can still read the numbers right? k la, I type the description for you.
  1. Iron particles scraped form the bedrock by the movement of the Antarctic ice sheet become trapped and are carried towards the sea.
  2. When the ice sheet meets the ocean, it breaks up into icebergs.
  3. The icebergs begin to melt., releasing the vital particles.
  4. Algae thrives on the iron particles, producing massive blooms which rise to the surface.
  5. The algae absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere via photosynthesis.
*oh forgot to tell you, click the diagram to enlarge*

The iron feeds algae, which blooms and sucks up damaging CO2, then sinks, locking away the greenhouse gas for hundreds of years. It covers 20 million square miles, and scientist say that if this could all be treated with iron, the resulting algae would remove three-and-a-half gigatons of CO2. This is equivalent to eighth of all emissions annually created by burning fossil fuels!

In conclusion, this green scum that creeps across the surface of your local public water reservoir or choking out a favorite fishing spot and livestock watering hole deserves a little more respect from all of us.

by Athirah