
As you all know, an exhibition was held at The Gallery from 26th to 28th May 2009. The main objective of this exhibition was to raise fund to built a library for orphanage.
Awww~ we are so kind)

Oh yea, the most important part is, WE as in FNBE creative students who organized it. Congrats to us! woot woot!

Preparation for the big day

Higher boys!

To the left. No no, to the right. I love to make people confuse & suffer. hehe

knockout!! bullied by Mr. Charles and Mrs. Yati.

The camera is here la Zi Kang. Why are you looking at the pinata?

OMG Jessie is so Sexy~ wait, that rhymes!

Delicious giant chocolate cake with icing and cherry on top.

The face of a person who got bullied & was forced to become the sexy lady mascot.

OMG she can fly!! SCARY~

OMG this is even SCARIER!

Let Us Go Green!

Why are they seem so happy and excited about the bag?

For the fund raising, our group collaborates with flamboyancy and spearhead to make & sell UNIQUE handmade accessories, including bracelets ( we sold lots of those), keychains, and ear rings. We managed to collect a certain amount of money $$$$ by selling our product.
(The exact amount is private & confidential)

Although all the works were tiring and we spent sleepless night making the exhibition a success, but we have lots of fun and gained priceless experiences along the way.

by Athirah & Reham


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